Sunday, July 01, 2007

SuperFundy Profile

Name: Rev. Woody L. Martin

Year Born Again: 1959

Affiliation: Christian (International Assemblies of God, Laguna Hills, California)

Education: Honorary Doctorate of Divinity from Kingsway Bible College in Des Moines, Iowa, 1984.

Size: large southern male.

Fundy Power:
Healing factor (High), general blessing capabilities. Miracles cited: general blessings, financial successes, and cures for: hyperthyroidism, color-blindness, blindness, and cancer.

Donation Factor: Moderate to High. Donations solicited for books and videos. Accepts Check, PayPal, Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover.

Homo Hating Factor: preliminary Google searching reveals little about "Dr." Woody's position on teh gay. International Assemblies of God is fervently anti-gay, purging their ranks of homosexuals upon discovery.

Points of Interest: Website offers Blood of Jesus Oil for anointing purposes. Literature offered includes a diet manual (see Size above).

Discovered by this blog: Saturday July 1, 2007, ~1am, NYC, some religious channel.