Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Poor Pay More

This is a disturbing article. The Bush administration and GOP congress are allowing businesses to bleed the people that suffer the most. And they give themselves raises while fighting to block an increase in the federal minimum wage.

CEOs and executives aren't suffering though. From the link:

- A generation ago, CEOs made 40 times more than workers; today they make 400 times more.
Source: Kevin J. Murphy of USC's Marshall School of Business, from Rise of the Corporate Plutocrats, Los Angeles Times, October 17, 2004.
- If wages rose at the same rate as CEO pay since 1990, the average worker would make $75,000 a year, not $27,000; the minimum wage would be $15.76 an hour, not $5.15.
Source: Institute for Policy Studies and United for a Fair Economy report, Executive Excess 2004: Campaign Contributions, Outsourcing, Unexpensed Stock Options and Rising CEO Pay, August 31, 2004.

Also, check out the Executive Paywatch site. It's a great resource.