Sunday, October 07, 2007

Marriage Equality Further Along In Colombia Than in US

In Colombia, if you're gay you can not only serve in the military, you'll experience an expanding array of rights we can only dream of here in America. The supreme court just ruled that same-sex partners must be given the same health benefits as their hetero counterparts:

(Bogota) Colombia's highest court has ordered the government to provide same-sex couples with the same rights as married opposite-sex couples.

The Constitutional Court did not go so far as ordering the government to legalize gay marriage, or offer pension or inheritance rights, but it must provide the same health benefits as married couples have the court ruled on Friday.

LGBT rights groups said they will file another lawsuit to gain pension and inheritance rights.

Last year the court ruled that partners in same-sex relationships must have property rights.

In June Colombia's Congress passed a law that would create domestic partnerships, but opposition senators at the last minute scuttled the bill.

Under the legislation same-sex couples would have been able to register as partners. They would have to have lived together for more than two years and be of legal age.

In return they would have will received the same social security and inheritance rights as married couples.

President Alvaro Uribe has said he will sign the bill into law.

Supporters of the bill had tried four times since 1999 to pass the legislation, but each time it failed after opposition from the Roman Catholic Church.

How nice is it that America is behind Colombia on LGBT civil rights?

Feel like telling me to go live there if I like it so much? Sorry, don't have to. I can stay right here complaining and fighting for marriage equality. That's the American thing to do.