Sunday, March 18, 2007

Conflicted Mitt on DADT

On Friday Mitt Romney declared his support of Don't Ask Don't Tell and homobigot General Pace (from the SF Chronicle):

GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney -- who in past campaigns has argued he would be a better advocate to the gay community than Sen. Ted Kennedy -- said Friday that he would not ask the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff to apologize for calling homosexuality "immoral,'' saying that "people are entitled to believe what they want to believe.'' "I think he's already expressed his regret for what he said, and I'm not calling on any further action by him,'' the former Massachusetts governor said of Gen. Peter
Pace's remarks.

Um no Mitt, he really didn't express his regret. He dug his heels in and reiterated his opinion:

WASHINGTON - The Pentagon's top general said Tuesday he should not have voiced his personal view that homosexuality is immoral and should have just stated his support for the military's "don't ask, don't tell" policy in an interview that has drawn criticism from lawmakers and gay-rights groups.

More from the SF Chronicle article:

Romney was asked about gays in the military and the current "don't ask, don't tell'' policy, saying he strongly supports it.

"When I first heard ("don't ask, don't tell), I thought it sounded silly and I just dismissed it and said, well, that can't possibly work. Well, I sure was wrong. It has worked,'' Romney said during a telephone interview Friday with The Chronicle. "It's been in place now for over a decade. The military says it's working and they don't want to change it ... and they're the people closest to the front.

How in the world do you call the homophobic murder of Barry Winchell or the facts charted in this document "working?" Really. How exactly is DADT a success? Mitt really wants it both ways:

Romney stressed that while "I very much support efforts to avoid discrimination against gay people, I want an outpouring of respect and tolerance ... but marriage should be reserved to a mother and a father.''

Asked then if same-sex couples should be allowed to adopt children, Romney said, That's something that is assessed on a state-by-state basis,'' and he noted that Massachusetts allowed such adoptions. But "I do believe adoption agencies should be able to favor traditional couples,'' particularly in religious-based organizations, he said.

How is allowing adoption agencies to discriminate against LGBT people avoiding discrimination? Mitt just sounds conflicted.

Also, catch that framing of his stance on gay marriage: "mother and father." I would expect to hear that one every time Mitt and anyone seeking the fundy vote are asked about gay marriage. It sounds much softer than "one man, one woman." Regardless of the frame, it's still bigotry. Oddly, if you extrapolate on "mother and father," it not only discriminates against LGBT people, but also against heterosexual couples without children. But, the GOP relies on people not thinking too much, so they're probably banking on little to no outcome contemplation.

Mitt has been a willow in the winds on several issues. Don't believe me? Check his record on the issues. BTW, On The Issues is a great resource that details where politicians are and have been on issues.