Nintendo DS
I'm a console gamer. I admit it. I've been one since the around the age of 12. From the first time I tasted the ability to game in front of the TV instead of having to beg my father to take me to the mall arcade during visitations, I haven't looked back.
I never got caught up in the handhelds. I wasn't interested in the GameBoy. I had no need for the Sega GameGear. Recently, I was tempted by the Sony PSP, but was put off by the price tag. I loved my original Nintendo, my SuperNES, my Sony PlayStation, and have been happy with my GameCube (GC). I am drooling for the Wii. I'd be lying if I wrote otherwise.
The other day, during a trip to a music/electronics store here in NYC to look at GC titles on sale, I experienced a change of heart about handhelds. After looking at some GC titles, I walked by the large, bright Nintendo DS demo station. I haven't been so interested in the DS, it's always looked kind of silly to me with its pen and split screen. But, the demo running was a puzzle, a brain teaser game. I'm a sucker for those and had to try it.
The title I played turned out to be "Big Brain Academy." It's one of two titles designed to increase your mental acuity. The other is "Brain Age." It's based on the research of Dr. Ryuta Kawashima. He's a neuroscientist studying brain activity using, I'd guess among other things, fMRI.
Demoing the Big Brain Academy was very, very fun. I was amazed by the ease of use of the DS. The stylus is extremely easy to use and the game clerverly utilizes the two screens to its advantage. I realized I was holding something that, from the first play, was fun to play and made complete "user sense." The DS is also cheaper than its competition and the titles cost less than most console titles.
Needless to say, a day later I bought a DS and the two titles mentioned above. I couldn't resist the lure of a game that might help my brain in a fun way. I've been playing both games every morning. I don't know if I'm smarter yet, but I am now having fun in the morning.
I'm also a Final Fantasy fan from way back, so I'm sure I'll end up with Final Fantasy III for the DS eventually.
Dog dies after fight, being hit with Taser
8 years ago