Eat your Veggies
Saw this article this morning and thought I'd pass it on:
Overall, people did gradually worse on these tests over time, but those who ate more than two vegetable servings a day had about 40 percent less mental decline than those who ate few or no vegetables. Their test results resembled what would be expected in people about five years younger, Morris said.
The study recapped in the article was published in Neurology. Food studies are always difficult to design, implement, and analyze data from. This one got a nice endorsement though:
"This is a sound paper and contributes to our understanding of cognitive decline," said Dr. Meir Stampfer of Harvard's School of Public Health.
"The findings specific for vegetables and not fruit add further credibility that this is not simply a marker of a more healthful lifestyle," said Stampfer, who was not involved in the research.
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