Public School Rapture
Some evangelicals are removing their children from public schools and homeschooling them or sending them to private xtian schools. Of course they're encouraging others to do the same. From the link:
"The courts say no creationism, no prayer in public schools," said Roger Moran, a Winfield, Mo., businessman and member of the Southern Baptist Convention executive committee. "Humanism and evolution can be taught, but everything I believe is disallowed."
The father of nine homeschooled children, Moran co-sponsored a resolution at the Southern Baptists' annual meeting in June that urged the denomination to endorse a public school pullout. It failed, as did a similar proposal before the conservative Presbyterian Church in America for members to shift their children into homeschooling or private Christian schools.
Who is Roger Moran? A little googling led me to this page put together by some of Moran's fellow Baptists. From the page:
Moran's mode of operation is simple. He has decided there are individuals and groups he does not like. He then works to connect them with other individuals and groups that most evangelical Christians would not agree with. It is a basic smear campaign like we watch in secular politics every election cycle.
Adolph Hitler found a Jew behind every problem in Germany. Senator Joseph McCarthy found a Communist everywhere he looked during the early 1950's.
Coupled with The Big Lie technique -- say something long enough and loud enough and soon people will believe it -- Moran has been able to sway more gullible and less-informed pastors and church leaders.
My first thought was, "good, let them go. Let them go to their own island for all I care (Actually, there's an a xtian island near my camping location in Schroon Lake, NY. Many of them could comfortably fit there)." Then I thought of the poor kids living under that kind of regime.
I was a kid in a New Lifer church. Only, I got to go to public school. My Mom couldn't afford to send me to the private xtian school our pastor's children were sent to. For all the discomfort I experienced in public school, mostly centered around my fear of being discovered as gay, my lack of sports talents, and my geekiness, it's the place where I learned that not everyone believed the same things that my family (immediate and church) did. For instance, many of the friends I made didn't believe in the rapture. Some of the other kids weren't even xtians.
God help the children of people like Moran.
Dog dies after fight, being hit with Taser
8 years ago