Monday, July 31, 2006

Convert, Convince, Coerce, ... Self-Connive

A typical line from a gay republican on a crusade to: convert you; convince you that it's really OK that they belong to a party that, for the worst part reviles them and for the best part just wants them to be as quiet as possible; or just coerce you into letting them spew self-hating nonsense goes something like:

"Stop playing the victim and start reaching out to people. I'm working on these people from the inside."

You know what? Until we stop things like baseball bat beatings of gay people outside of Balboa Park (San Diego) after Gay Pride events, I'm not down with that. A fuc#%ng baseball bat! Gay people getting beaten with a bat!

Is talking about that playing the victim? No, it's truth telling (which might not be recognizable if you're self-deceiving enough to be a gay Republican). Are those gay people victims of a hate crime? Absolutely.

Are things perfect in gay Democrat land? Hell no. HRC's endorsement of anti-choice Lieberman is inexcusable. They (and he) deserve the smack-down they get in this interview. To hell with their blacktie events.

But, why would I jump to a side that kowtows to the likes of Fred Phelps? Why would I want to fight for acceptance among (and donate and campaign for!) people who are opposed to passing simple hate crimes legislation let alone pushing for civil rights (for any minority)?

Beyond going undercover at a Republican event and licking doorknobs while I have the flu (ala Dan Savage), I'm going to work against those people. I'm not going to stand with them wringing my hands while I politely ask them to please change their minds (and if you accept their rules of play, whatever they may be, that's what you're doing). There are more relevant and wiser battles to work on. There are more relevant and wiser people to work with.